miércoles, 18 de junio de 2008

Hip youngsters

The young man listening to the then all new music from bands from Seattle, yes, he wore those shirts, and he was deeply sorry when one of his idols killed himself, so they say, and many years later he went to find the music that inspired his idols, and then on and on in a chain, digging underground to find some old records.

The young man taking a guitar, he was 18 and the world was afresh, a bright morning in september, filled with that cold air and that cold breeze. Electric sounds modulated by some kind of device. Tralala.

The young man still a young man, his brother younger than him developing in some way, learning about himself. That treacherous path, that unfinished path. The young man works, but he now knows that it must not eat him. Rather, he should eat it instead.

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